Amanda Whorton to Speak on Copyright, Trademark & Right of Publicity for Musicians

On Monday, March 21st, Amanda Whorton will speak at an online event held by Triangle ArtWorks on copyright, trademark and right of publicity for musicians.

“What rights do you have to your music? What rights do you need to perform the work of others? Did you know there are separate rights attached to the words, the music, the performance itself…and more? Join Shawn Nolan and Amanda Whorton for a frank discussion of “The Big Three – Copyright, Trademark, and the Right of Publicity” – the three areas of the law that relate to 99% of all music-related rights, followed by Q&A.

Workshop leaders, Shawn Nolan and Amanda Whorton bring years of experience representing music clients, large and small, and bring an experienced, but practical approach to these sometimes complicated issues.

This discussion will be beneficial for all musicians who want to become more knowledgeable in the music business or want to transition from a hobby to a professional music career, as well as those interested in expanding their general knowledge of customary music business practices and entertainment law including managers, music marketing persons and attorneys.”

Triangle ArtWorks’ mission is to provide the services, support and resources necessary to cultivate and ensure a vibrant creative community in the Triangle region of North Carolina. Learn more about the event here.

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