Brandon J. Huffman Quoted on Telltale Studio Layoffs

The article from details Telltale’s potential legal troubles regarding its mass layoffs on September 21st, 2018.

Here is an excerpt:

Class action waivers in terms of use and similar contracts (like EULAs) are constantly litigated and there is new precedent all the time,” explains Brandon Huffman, founding partner of Odin Law & Media. “California also has a law allowing claims brought by private parties as though they are brought by the state, which could circumvent a waiver. But… while California and the Ninth Circuit are pretty hostile toward these waivers, the US Supreme Court under the Federal Arbitration Act is usually friendlier. That said, class actions are expensive, protracted litigation. At the end of the day, if Telltale has no money, what incentive is there for anyone to do all that work and spend that money for a chance that it might not be an effective waiver?”

You can read the whole article here.

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