Brandon J. Huffman to Speak at NCWN in Greensboro

On Saturday, April 21st, Brandon J. Huffman will be speaking at the North Carolina Writers’ Network’s 2018 Spring Conference at UNC-Greensboro. He will be presenting on the following topic:

Basic Law for Writers

In this legal overview seminar, Brandon will discuss the fundamentals of the law of written works. Specifically, the presentation will cover basics of copyright for writers, copyright infringement, trademark, libel, slander and privacy and other content concerns. After an overview, the floor will be open to questions and the course will take an interactive approach to diving deeper into issues about which the audience has specific questions. This course is intended to leave writers with a sense of what legal issues they should consider as they begin creating their works.

The North Carolina Writers’ Network and the MFA in Creative Writing Program at UNC-Greensboro offers workshops for writers and authors based in North Carolina.

Odin Law

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