Who We Work With > Creators


Models, YouTube stars, actors and others get presented with contracts all the time. Those contracts are important and they should not be signed without first being reviewed by an attorney. Odin Law and Media can help creators understand what offers are being signed and negotiate on their behalf for the best possible terms.

Bloggers face a variety of legal issues. From First Amendment questions and journalistic issues to hosting agreements. A knowledgeable attorney can free bloggers up to do what they do best: blog. Endorsements, including sponsored blog posts, are subject to FTC regulations.

Vloggers face most of the same legal issues as bloggers, as well as those faced by a television studio. YouTube and streaming personalities may also be subject to FTC scrutiny for endorsements, have talent contract and management issues, be approached for sponsorship, endorsement or co-branding deals or have a need to defend themselves against actions by others. Odin Law and Media can help.

Vtubers bring a unique blend of animation and performance talent to the market. Legal obstacles around software and animation licensing, ownership of creative assets and potential special concerns around anonymity overlay all the ordinary legal issues faced by other content creators. We have several clients in this space and are uniquely well-versed in the issues.

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4208 Six Forks Rd.
STE 1000
Raleigh, NC 27609


(919) 813-0090


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